Animation to Your Web Page: Do’s and Don’ts

Animation has been one of the main web design trends in recent years, so users visiting your website will expect to see animated effects when they enter. Also, web page animations are not something that serves only to provide aesthetic elements, but they are part of a web design project focused on achieving certain objectives.

The truth is that animations can be an amazing addition to the aesthetics and feel of a website, but this depends on the design team working in the right way to suit the website’s objectives, otherwise it would result in a real disaster.

If you don’t understand much about web animation, in this article we will show you the do’s and don’ts of adding animations to your website.

Take note!

What is web animation?

These are the visual effects that can be applied to a web page to create movement in the elements that compose it. This means that web animation is in charge of the elements that are in motion.

Animation goes beyond making a character walk or express itself. It is an exercise in which all possible skills must be used to make such movements look natural, continuous and timely.

Source: Sajon

Fundamentals of animation

Animations come in many shapes and forms. They can be as subtle as a slight movement of a button or they can be as dramatic and eye-catching as a fully animated background.

Understanding the full spectrum of animation possibilities will help you use it more strategically.

It can also be set up as interactive reactions to your visitors’ behavior, or it can be independent of the visitor’s actions. It can be applied to small elements or to large elements.

Moderation is the key

It is not only advisable, but almost mandatory, to refrain from overloading your website with an overdose of animation. You should avoid making your page too heavy. Besides, you could distract users with so much action, and no one wants that!

Keeping things light will ensure that users’ browsing experience is pleasant and that they follow the flow of your website.

Animations must fulfill a function, for example:

  • Give greater visibility to your product or service.
  • Guide the movement of the page by showing visitors when to scroll and where to click.
  • Break the static scrolling of the web with a bit of movement.
  • Complement the story of your page by making elements appear gradually.

Do’s and Don’ts When Adding Animation to Your Web Page

Some elements of web pages work quite well with animations, while others really do not.

What can be animated?

  • Loading bars
  • Anything that triggers behavior, whether navigation buttons, calls to action (CTAs) or linked images.
  • Elements that provide directionality, for example, arrows or background scrolling.
  • Elements intended to attract attention, such as new message icons, the buy button and windows.

What can’t be animated?

  • Contact form or comments, as this would distract them from completing the task.
  • Paragraphs of text, as it would make reading difficult.


Always think about your target audience and their needs. This is one of the most important points when talking about website animation. Ask yourself, why do they visit my website? what are their aesthetic preferences? etc.

If you want us to help you create an amazing animated design for your website, don’t hesitate to contact us!. We will be happy to help you.

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