Color Phychology: Uses and Design

What does the psychology of color means? How can colors influence our decisions and our emotions? Is it important to choose a suitable color for our brands?

We use the color theory in design, advertising and marketing. It’s responsible for transmitting some feelings to the person who sees it, so we must take some advantage of the psychology of color if we want to be successful with our brand.

Surely you have heard of cold colors that provide a feeling of tranquility, calm, freshness, etc. And warm colors that convey the feeling of joy, closeness, positivism, etc. But do you really know the meaning of each color?

It’s important that you learn what each color means, so you can use them to your favor. Today, we will talk about each of these colors because the symbolism of color will be very important for our target audience to feel what we want to transmit and communicate to them.

What is color psychology and what is it for?

Color psychology is a field that studies what colors produce in people’s emotions and behaviors. Each of the colors has a meaning, so we use the psychology of color to identify what our audience can feel with the visual image of our brand.

What we want is for our audience to feel something with our image, and the eye sight is key to this.  In the process of buying a product, color is a factor that we must take into account, since it will drive the user to make the purchase, or to abandon the product.

Let’s see what each of the most important colors on the color wheel means.

White: it means purity, minimalism, neatness, innocence, it gives a feeling of cleanliness.

Grey: denotes neutrality, indecision, boredom, absence, intelligence, balance.

Black: modernity, fear, mystery, fear, elegance, responsibility and decorum.

Blue: The blue color is usually associated with the sea and the sky. It is also associated with infinity, beauty, generosity, joy, constancy, youth, confidence. It is a color that denotes fidelity, rest, serenity.

Purple: These tones are associated with deep feelings, spirituality, magic, power. It also has meanings in the field of pain, sadness and distress, which is why it is very given in superstitions.

Rose: The color pink conveys femininity, warmth, love and sensuality. It is a psychologically powerful color, especially for the female audience.

Green: Green is related to the ecological, since it’s associated to symbolize nature. It attracts us to balance, hope, freshness. It is a cold color that evokes reality, a sedative to the eye, hypnotic. Also, on the other hand, it means regeneration, patience, security and stability.

Brown: The brown takes us to the earth, to the traditional, inspires security and comfort. It is a color at its lowest, somewhat neutral, with a vintage meaning.

Red: It evokes love, passion, courage. It is an elegant color especially when it is in its degree of dark intensity.  It is a warm, fiery color, symbolizes revolution, rage, strength, vitality.

Orange: It transmits strength and energy, represents heat, flames, it is a color that excites the senses and attracts.

Yellow: Yellow is used to symbolize happiness, youth and optimism. It is another warm color that transmits strength, will, intellectuality, as well as envy. It is a color of extremely high vitality, it represents creativity, truth, power, caution.

Tips for using the psychology of color in advertising, marketing and design

We want to share with you some tips, so that you take advantage of the psychology of color in graphic design, advertising and web design:

  1. Always use the same color for your web design Calls To Action (CTA).
  2. Do not overuse any strong or striking color, which may cause visual fatigue and overwhelm the user.
  3. Always think about your target audience before choosing a color.
  4. Do not overdo it and choose too many colors because they will compete for the user’s attention. It’s important to check that there are no more than 2 or 3 colors that catch the eye on the same screen at the same time, since we don’t want it to divert to the primary target user.
  5. Companies carefully choose color palettes that complement their brand personality. The right color scheme is essential to express a particular brand’s perspective.
  6. Marketing experts conduct studies on how customers perceive different colors. By choosing specific colors based on the color preferences of their target audience, companies can target their marketing efforts to the right demographic groups.


Definitely, color should be taken into account for your design!

60% of people will decide whether or not they want to interact with your brand, based solely on color.  Be careful when using your favorite colors because they may not fit with your brand’s personality.

Color not only attracts attention; it also communicates and sells. You should choose them not only based on what you want to convey to your audience, but on what your brand represents or means.

We can help you choose a color palette for your brand identity and we can also work together on a great marketing strategy. Let’s Rock!

Don’t hesitate to contact us!

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